In the beginning . . .

. . . it was just an idea:  I will write a book. My, what an ambitious idea that was, an idea that implanted itself in my brain like a malicious malware for which there was no fix . . . other than to sit down and write it. Did I mention writing requires work? A lot of work? A lot of butt-in-chair time? Especially when you don’t know what you’re doing–which I didn’t, and sometimes (mostly) still don’t. Life and times have rolled by too quickly since my bright idea. Now I’m on my way to becoming a 10-year, overnight sensation . . . a sensation in that I can see the finish line.  It couldn’t have happened any other way.

In upcoming blogs, I’d like to share how my writing “couldn’t have happened any other way.” Maybe you’ll relate to my writing challenges, or not, but either way, let’s share our writing trials and tribulations, thoughts and suggestions, and craft ideas. Mention what works for you: time management, family, writing books, favorite books that nurture your writing, and, of course, how your writing is going.

If writing into the wee hours of the night is what it takes for you to git’er done, know you’re not alone. Write happy.

Above all, write on.


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Don’t get it right. Just get it written. – James Thurber

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